Implant Supported Dentures - Hixson, TN

Implant Supported Dentures

Dental implants offer the most benefits to those patients who are missing teeth. Implants provide a stable, low-maintenance option that can last a lifetime. However, there are patients who desire these features but find dentures a much more affordable solution. Dr. Charles McBrayer and Dr. Strever offer a restoration method that combines the advantages of dentures vs. dental implants with implant supported dentures. For implant supported dentures vs. dental implants, the procedures themselves are similar. Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Strever first ensures that there is sufficient bone volume and no periodontal disease. If periodontal infection is present then you will need treatment for gum disease in Cleveland, TN. Once the oral environment is healthy, Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Strever will place titanium posts in your jaw bone. The difference between implant supported dentures vs. dental implants is that with implant supported dentures, three or more dental implants are placed strategically in the areas with the best bone density to hold the dentures while bearing the impact of the chewing function. The implant posts will fuse with the bone over time, yielding a solid base for your dentures.


Implant Supported Dentures

Achieve a Great Smile with Implant Supported Dentures

Advantages of Implant Supported Dentures

If you already have dentures, you may still consider implant supported dentures vs. dental implants as Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Strever may be able to retrofit your existing dentures, saving you more money. Next time you visit our office for your treatment for gum disease in Cleveland, TN, ask about a consultation for implant supported dentures or call now to schedule.

  •  No more ineffective dental adhesives.
  •  Eat your favorite foods with less diet restrictions.
  •  Improve confidence by knowing your dentures will stay secure.
  • Stabilizes your bone volume levels.


If you are looking for a more permanent solution to complete tooth loss, schedule an appointment with us today to discuss your implant supported denture options.

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